Angel Fragua

Born in Madrid, Spain, studied in Taller Escuela Formación de Actores de Alcalá de Henares (1989-1991), in Escuela de Teatro Ana Vázquez de Castro, in Madrid (1995-1997). Worked with Luis Blat, Carlo Bosso, David Ottone, Hernán Gené, Antón Valen e José Carlos Garcia.
In Madrid worked in Yllana’s GLUB GLUB (1998-2000).

In Portugal worked with Jangada Teatro until 2003, directed António Torrado’s ATIREM-SE AO AR and António Tabucchi’s A Última Noite do Desassossego.

In 2004 co-founded Peripécia Teatro. Worked in every production and creation as actor, creator and director until 2017.

As Ángel Fragua-Criações and in co-production with Teatro de Vila Real, writes and performs the show STAND DOWN (2017), directs Henry Naylor’s ANJO (2018) and performs JE NE SAIS QUOI (2020).

In 2019 directs the show 20 Anos dos Clarinetes Ad Libitum, in Casa da Música, Porto, and works on Projecto Ruínas’ show ROCKY.

In 2020 directs RE-CORDIS, in ESMAE, from texts from Eduardo Galeano.

In 2021 performed in Aljubarrota 1365, a production from Nariz-Teatro de Grupo.

Directed Tão Bom, for Teatro Amador de Pombal.

Digital Photography / Portrait